Monday, November 10, 2008


So...right now it is November 10th. My pap was transfered to Ruby Hospital on Friday, and the doctors were going to perform surgery. However, he had another heart attack that night, and so the doctors decided that he's not surgery candidate, and so they wouldn't perform the surgery at Ruby hospital in Morgantown, West Virgina. They did however, aslso try to get in touch with some doctors in Pittsburgh to see if they would do the surgery, but they wouldn't. There was one doctor that they were trying to contact to see if he would do the surgery, but pap decided that he would just take medicine, and if that doesn't work...that would be that last thing he tries. He is scared to do surgery because the other night, he had a heart attacked, and actually died on the emergency room table. When they brought him back...he said he didn't know what was going on. He just remembered seeing tons of doctors and nurses all around his bed, and they had an oxygen mask on his face. Sad huh? Anyways, today he decided that he would rather go home, instead of getting surgery done. He's staying with my aunt Brenda at her house because the doctor doesn't want him climbing up stairs everytime he needs to use the bathroom. Anyways, here are some pictures of us with him at the hospital. He's not better....but he's not worse either. That's all that I want. Just to be stable and happy. :)


Astles said...

We are thinking about you!!!!

Becky said...

Good luck, Pappy :) I hope everything works out. And I hope you can enjoy PA while you're there - even under these circumstance!